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Temporal simplifies and scales cloud application development, offering an open-source solution for writing and running reliable applications with less effort.
# Unrefined Notes
- Temporal excels in real-time applications, providing superior scalability compared to batch-oriented tools like Airflow, Dagster, and Prefect. Prefect with Orion could be a closer match for real-time needs. See also Data Orchestrators.
- It stands out among Data Orchestrators by focusing on applications and real-time processing.
- Temporal operates entirely in-memory, enhancing its scalability and performance.
- Check out RW How We Scale Workflow Orchestration With Temporal Airbyte for insights on scaling workflow orchestration.
- It ensures more reliable and efficient scheduling for large-scale open-source software (OSS) deployments. For example, Airbyte has seen significant improvements in scheduling thousands of connections.
- New reliability features, such as automatic connection checks before syncs, are exclusive to Temporal’s scheduler, indicating a move away from older scheduling methods.
- Upgrading to the latest Temporal version is straightforward and requires no special actions beyond the standard update process outlined in the docs.
- Temporal adopts a framework-centric approach, focusing on workflows without the need for dedicated workers.
- It embraces an Orchestrations vs Choreography model, contrasting with Dagster’s orchestration-centric approach.
- Orchestration in data pipelines involves a central component managing and triggering processes, whereas choreography leverages an event-based, microservices architecture, with each service independently reacting to events.
- Temporal is recommended for scenarios where low latency is critical, functioning similarly to AWS Lambda for application orchestration.
- In the context of application interactions, Temporal offers a leaner, more focused alternative. For instance, its use in Airbyte contrasts with Dagster’s broader abstractions suited for complex data landscapes.
More on Temporal.io.
How we scale workflow orchestration with Temporal | Airbyte
Created 2022-05-30