🧠Second Brain
Public Second Brain with Quartz
I built a Public Second Brain with Quartz - Publish Obsidian Vault.
I added a python script
find-publish-notes.py to the
Makefile to copy all my SecondBrain notes from my Obsidian Vault with the hashtag #publish
and copy it into the Quartz git-repo.
Update 2023-06-07
I switched from the Python-script to a Rust-script that does the same but adds #hashtags properly as Hugo requests, and it is 30x faster. To get the Rust executable, you need to run
cargo build --release
from within theutils/obsidian-quartz
With the command make deploy
all these copied publish notes will be deployed on
I also put all my Zettels in the root folder instead of adding notes
sub-folder. This way I can use Wikilinks and do not need to change to absolute paths (which I do not want to activate in my Second Brain).
Main page: _index
# Uploading Example
# Long-form example of how I publish to Quart
My Obsidian Note-Taking Workflow - YouTube
# Short Asciinema Video
How I upload to my Public Second Brain - asciinema
# Deployment
Here I describe how I deploy my second brain.
# Self Hosting
I self-host on my own server as I already have hosting for my website. The only thing I do I rsync
the public
-folder to my web hosting, that’s all. The
script shows how I do it. The actual line is rsync -avz --delete public/ USER@DOMAIN.com:~/www/brain
(just replace with your user and domain).
# GitHub
If you do want to use GitHub actions, you can check the Data Glossary (glossary.airbyte.com) which is the same setup as Quartz, but there we use GitHub. Checkout the required [deploy.yaml]( https://github.com/airbytehq/glossary/blob/hugo/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml](https) that makes the magic work
Basically, when someone changes the branch hugo
, it will deploy changes to master
branch and publish that. I think I wrote some more details
# My own Experience with Quartz
# See other good public brains
References: GoHugo Static Site Generators (SSG)
Shared on SH: Hackernews
Created 2022-08-20