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Gut Feeling / Intuition

Last updated Feb 9, 2024

The gut feeling or Intuition is an instinctive feeling, as opposed to an opinion based on facts.

The intuition can only be learned by experience. You can’t take shortcuts. At work, it makes all the difference between an exceptional developer and a junior who didn’t have that past experience, hence training his gut and intuition.

Gut feeling is more valuable than habits, conscious decisions, or long-term plans. Do things you are happy with and keep going in the long run instead of being trapped in prestige, getting bored, and losing motivation. Follow your intuition more. Tweet


# Gut vs. Emotions

Gut feelings often tap into a deeper, more subconscious understanding. It’s the silent voice that guides us. It might just be a mix between intuition and Emotions but with a nuanced, almost primal wisdom.

A related feeling is Emotions. It’s how you feel but in a different way. See also Gut Feeling vs. Emotions.

# Mind and Intuition

We think of them as separate, but the mind and intuition are fully connected.

# Having Faith in your Intuition

Faith plays a big role when listening to your intuition. You wouldn’t do long if you didn’t believe or trust in something. Therefore, listening to your gut is critical, and having faith after you listen is key, too. David Perell talks about it here too. Examples are Steve Jobs wanting to have fan-less computers, which seems so counterintuitive, but only paid off much later with the iPod and iPad.

Origin: follow your gut, from The Pathless Path (Paul Millerd). Jason Fried talked about it, and many others.
Created 2023-12-21