🧠 Second Brain
Taxonomy of note types
🚦 My Statuses
- 📬 Start any note, idea, something I read, or anything that comes to mind. Just some fleeting notes. This can also be deleted after a while
- 🗃/🌻 I worked on it a bit. I added many fleeting notes, brainstormed, elaborated a bit, and made some references.
- 🗃/📖 literature notes written. Not yet ready for the Permanent Notes / Evergreen Notes, but Literature Notes are formulated in whole sentences and worked already a bit, or I’m just happy with the content.
- 🗃/🌳 Evergreen / Permanent Notes. These are my long-running notes that will end up in Zettelkasten core with my own words. Here I separated the literature notes into different ideas to follow the zettelkasten principle and link them together.
Type of Notes
- 🗺 - map of content - index or entry pages to my zettelkasten note (🗃/🌳 above). E.g., Data Engineering to group that into ankasten where 👉🏻 is just an index along the way in my wiki or elsewhere
- 👉🏻 for the ability of content or map of content documents, e.g., Data Engineering (see what older it is in) - this is always a folder that is the first folder and not as a note below all folders. Plus, I could also add pictures to the TOC if needed.
- Others also call it Map of Content, but I like TOC better.
- 🌍/📝 - means this is a wiki/reference and not part of my 🗃- Zettelkasten or Projects
- 🌍/📰 - This is part of my wiki where I copy an article, blog post, and interesting piece. This is when it’s in its raw form when I didn’t edit or add my notes (except some fleeting comments, maybe). These are used for references or later when searching for material to flesh out my literature notes or Permanent.
- 🌍/🎧 - Notes about podcasts
- 🌍/📂 if it’s just a slide, pdf, or other files (probably not used often as these files do not contain markdown and are just added to the wiki)
- 📚 these are notes about a book I’m reading
Follow up
- ⏰ - Reminder for later
- ❗️ - Important
- 🐝 - Todo pages
- ♻️ Might be used for later
- #RW stands for ReadWise, #RWH for ReadWise Highlight
# Metadata / Frontmatter
- aliases
- parents and children?
References: Obsidian Organizing and Writing My Notes
Created 2024-03-15