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Rubiks Cube: How to solve it

Last updated Feb 9, 2024

What challenged me to solve one myself: There are so many possible configurations (over 43 quintillions) that it would be impossible to solve it by randomly turning the faces until it’s all done.

# General

# Basic steps to solve it

These are the steps as an overview:

# Variant 1 - step by step

# 1. Try to solve the Tetris form

on top of the white cross. That middle edge fots

# wrong color the on side

if middle white has the color on the side, you can use move 5 to ‘swap colors’, same as we do with the yellow

# 2. White corners on top

  1. First, turn the white cross on the bottom
  2. To solve this, find the right corner pieces (a cube with white and the correct colors for right and left),
  3. Put that cube on top of where it belongs.
    1. If left use the move U'L'UL
    2. If it’s right do URU'R'
  4. When whitish is turned wrong, repeat the move

Learned from in 10 Minutes (Beginner Tutorial) - YouTube.

# 3. Fix middle row

LEFT and RIGHT approach to pop the middle top wither to right or left - see images

Before you decide left or right, check the too color, e.g. below red, which needs to go right as the middle of the right is red.

# Wrong orientation

At the end of this step, your cube should have the middle layer solved and an intact white face atย theย bottom

# 4. Top yellow cross

We solve the yellow edges on the top of the Rubik’s Cube in two steps:
First, we orient them to form aย  yellow cross on the top, then weย  swap the piecesย to match them with the sideย colors

Important: do the move from the side, not the top!

# 5. Swap colors

When the yellow cross is done, fix the top middle cube.

# 6. Position Last Layer Corners


# 7. Solve the Cube

All top yellow corners are in the right corner, but not necessarily oriented correctly

  1. Turn white face up
  2. Chose a corner where it’s wrong. Repeat RUR'U' until that one is solved (it will mess up a little bit the upper, but don’t worry)
  3. Once solved, turn them down to the next corner which is wrong. Repeat step 2. until that is solved as well. Repeat until all are solved
  4. Turm down until all is correct

Learned from Solve the Cube J Perm.

# Variant 2 - beginners guide

This are improvements I learned along the way, mostly from J Perm in 10 Minutes (Beginner Tutorial) - YouTube.

# Basis

RIGHT combination is RUR'U'
LEFT combination is L'U'LU

# 1. Try to solve the Tetris form including the White cross

  1. Find the edge white and pair with the center color (middle bottom and center)

  2. Turn them around 2F so the white is on top and the two front color match

  3. If the colors are correct, but the white is against you (instead of top), do this: `FU’RU

# 2. White corners on top

  1. First, turn the white cross on the bottom
  2. To solve this, find the right corner pieces (a cube with white and the correct colors for right and left),
  3. Put that cube on top of where it belongs.
    1. If left use the move U'L'UL
    2. If it’s right do URU'R'
  4. When whitish is turned wrong, repeat the move

# 3. Fix middle row

  1. Find correct edge color and put in top middle
  2. Move color away with U
  3. Do the RIGHT combination (see above)
  4. Turn cube to the right (right face to the front)
  5. Apply left combinatation (see above)


Same as above as other way around with turning the edge away to the right first (U')
Then LEFT combination, turn cube left and apply RIGHT combination

# 4. Top yellow cross

  1. Turn front with F and
  2. do the RIGHT combination and
  3. Undo front with F'

When you have a L shape, make sure its on the top left and do it again
Then you should have a line, make sure that the line is horizontal, and do above algorith again which should leave a cross

# 5. Match Cross Colors

  1. Make sure the two solved side are to the right and back and the run this combination
    1. RUR'U
    2. R2U'R'

Run again when not solved.

# 6. Position Last Layer Corners

Check if all corner are correct or have the right colors in the right corner, if so you are done with this step.

  1. If not, hold the right corner (colors or all) and apply this combibation once or twice:
    2. URU'L'
    3. UR'U'L

Now all colors are done, or the whole cube.

# 7. Solve the Cube

All top yellow corners are in the right corner, but not necessarily oriented correctly

  1. Turn white face up
  2. Chose a corner where it’s wrong. Repeat RIGHT combinarion until that one is solved (it will mess up a little bit the upper, but don’t worry)
  3. Once solved, turn them down to the next corner which is wrong. Repeat step 2. until that is solved as well. Repeat until all are solved
  4. Turm down until all is correct

# My Solution ๐ŸŽ‰

Origin: How To Solve A Rubik’s Cube Easily ๐Ÿค“ ๐‚๐ฎ๐›๐ž๐’๐จ๐ฅ๐ฏ๐ž.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ
Created 2022-11-19