🧠Second Brain
Creative Writing
My passion is to inspire people through writing. Most of it comes from being creative, but also productive, Creativity vs Productivity.
# What is Creative Writing?
To me, it’s when you read something, and it just clicks. Written beautifully, removed to the bare minimum, leaving the message there and providing the most value for readers.
# How do I Write Creatively?
Isn’t it the opposite of Writing Effectively? The environment you are in is a big one, as I can’t be creative in a place I always do routine work. I need to do sports, eat healthy, and, most importantly, sleep enough to be fully creative. As well as I need to have done most of my chores. I can’t be creative if I always have in the back of my mind that I should finish my tax report (after five months..). That’s why being creative to me is also saying no to almost all things, like Hell Yeah or No. Because if I constantly say yes to new things, I need to have the headspace to be creative.
Created 2023-12-03