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Thoughts On Journal

Last updated Nov 25, 2024

Introduced by Derek Sivers. He used to journal for hours a day. He uses simple Plaintext Files and a handful of thoughts on files on different topics. Read his version on the Benefits of a daily diary and topic journals.

My version and how I use them instead of Daily Journal, can be read on How I write Daily Notes differently.

# Others

Eleanor Konik calls these notes “themed files”, and explains very well how she does it When Themed Logs are More Useful than Daily Notes. Also how she is very methodical about naming files, which helps for finding and knowledge retrieval. The same goes for my notes. That’s why daily notes are cluttering this with many notes that are scattered, instead of having notes with proper names and ideas.

Andy calls it Thematic journaling.

Origin: Benefits of a daily diary and topic journals | Derek Sivers
Created 2024-08-05