🧠Second Brain
Plaintext Files
Knowhow stored in Notions and Google Docs will not scale (what if you need to change something?), we can’t do a search and replace. But why not use what developers have for ages for knowledge, too?
Similar to Markdown, plaintext files are future-proof.
Every device, including ones long gone, and ones not invented yet, can read and edit plain text. Whether future virtual reality or a chip you can implant in your earlobe, plain text will be there. Will Microsoft Word? Evernote? Notion? Maybe. Maybe not.
Plaintext files are:
- Portable
- Un-Commercial
- Offline
- No Dependencies
- Easiest to convert
Here’s a good video on how to do that and work with a team, mainly with git and GitHub, but all with Plain text: The Plain-Text Team.
# Local First
See Local First.
# File over app
File Over App is a term by Steph Ango, see more on the link.
# Markup Languages
# Resources
Read more on Markdown vs Rich Text.
Created 2023-05-27