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Last updated Feb 9, 2024

Tries to create a Personal Data Warehouse with open-source SQLite and sorts. You can load Twitter, google Drive, and sort into a local database.

Created by Simon Willison.

# description

Dogsheep is a collection of tools for personal analytics using  SQLite and Datasette.

Big internet companies know a lot about us. By exporting that data back out of them we can see what they know and maybe learn something interesting about ourselves.

Read more about Dogsheep on my blog:  simonwillison.net/tags/dogsheep

Watch  Personal Data Warehouses: Reclaiming Your Data for a demo of Dogsheep in action.

# Dogsheep tools

These tools, maintained by the Dogsheep project, let you export your data into a SQLite database for further analysis.

Created 2022-09-08