🧠 Second Brain
Tries to create a Personal Data Warehouse with open-source SQLite and sorts. You can load Twitter, google Drive, and sort into a local database.
Created by Simon Willison.
# description
Dogsheep is a collection of tools for personal analytics using SQLite and Datasette.
Big internet companies know a lot about us. By exporting that data back out of them we can see what they know and maybe learn something interesting about ourselves.
Read more about Dogsheep on my blog: simonwillison.net/tags/dogsheep
Watch Personal Data Warehouses: Reclaiming Your Data for a demo of Dogsheep in action.
# Dogsheep tools
These tools, maintained by the Dogsheep project, let you export your data into a SQLite database for further analysis.
- twitter-to-sqlite uses the Twitter API or Twitter’s “export your data” zip archive to create a database of your tweets, followers, people you follow, favourited tweets and much more besides.
- healthkit-to-sqlite converts your Apple HealthKit export into a database, with details of your heart rate, workouts, step count and more.
- swarm-to-sqlite imports your checkin history from Foursquare Swarm.
- inaturalist-to-sqlite imports the wildlife and plants you have spotted on iNaturalist.
- google-takeout-to-sqlite imports data from Google Takeout, which can include your Google Maps location history, your search history on Google and more to come.
- genome-to-sqlite imports your genome from 23andMe into a SQLite database.
- github-to-sqlite imports repositories you have created or starred on GitHub.
- pocket-to-sqlite imports articles you have saved using Pocket.
- hacker-news-to-sqlite imports stories and comments posted to Hacker News.
- dogsheep-photos imports metadata about photos from Apple Photos, including machine learning labels. See Using SQL to find my best photo of a pelican according to Apple Photos.
- dogsheep-beta is a search index which combines data from all of the other sources into a single faceted search interface.
- evernote-to-sqlite converts exported Evernote files in the ENEX format into a SQLite database.
Created 2022-09-08