🧠 Second Brain
Admonition (Markdown)
The admonition
, also known as call-outs, are shortcuts baked into most Markdown framework. It’s a nice way to include side content without significantly interrupting the reading flow.
Example Admonition
This is an Admonition that is built into my website framework GoHugo. It supports 12 different types of admonitions.
Markdown or HTML format in the content is supported.
- A note banner
- An abstract banner
- An info banner
- and so forth,
# Types
The admonition
shortcode supports 12 types of banners to help you put notice in your page.
Markdown or HTML format in the content is supported.
- A note banner
- An abstract banner
- A info banner
- A tip banner
- A success banner
- A question banner
- A warning banner
- A failure banner
- A danger banner
- A bug banner
- An example banner
- A quote banner
A good list of different admonitions on Extended Shortcodes, which is the theme for my website.
Theme Documentation - Extended Shortcodes |
Created 2022-05-17